The Hex-Voting-Rule (Not Recommended)


Blue wins – if there is a right to left continuous path of blue regions

Red wins – if there is north to south continuous path of red regions

(A region is red or blue according to the majority of voters.)

This method is very noise-sensitive.

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13 Responses to The Hex-Voting-Rule (Not Recommended)

  1. Massimo says:

    Does Florida counts as right to left? 😀

  2. Michael Lugo says:

    This would have interesting consequences for political strategy, as the map you gave is winning for red but just barely. In a few places the red region is only one county thick.

  3. misuba says:

    Is there a way to maybe plot a single, optimal line through the north-south red-connecting regions? Maybe by population? (It shall be called the McCain-Palin Line, and when one crosses it, one shall know that… uh, I guess not really anything meaningful?)

  4. kunal says:

    I think Hex transpose might be better 🙂

    Blue wins – if there is a north to south continuous path of blue regions

    Red wins – if there is left to right continuous path of red regions

  5. samuel jackson says:

    Isnt there an ambiguity if the region is not convex?

    For instance, N-S line from Seattle to Frisco, and W-E line from Tampa to Miami is possible.

  6. Dan says:

    This reminds me of childrens’ quiz show from when I was a kid called Blockbusters.

  7. jd2718 says:

    I can’t match this to any presidential election. Is this a congressional result?

  8. Erel Avineri says:

    Interesting problem. It has some similarities to the “Scramble for Africa” during the New Imperialism period, where rival imperialists (mainly the British and the French) attempted to form a continuous territory in Africa: The British Empire strategy was the establishment of a north-south axis (Cairo-Cape) while French main efforts where in East-West French Equatorial Africa.

    Of course it was not a question of African nations voting for any of these rivals…

    Take a look at this map from 1898 (British possessions are in yellow, French possessions in pink):
    Who is winning?

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  10. Gil Kalai says:

    Dear jd2178, I couldnt find the source of the piclure again; I suppose you are right. Dear Erel, a similar comment was made also here:

  11. Gareth Rees says:

    There might be neither a red nor a blue winner of this game, since four counties meet in several places (most famously at Four Corners).

  12. Pingback: Noise Sensitivity and Percolation. Lecture Notes by Christophe Garban and Jeff Steif | Combinatorics and more

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