qstart poster


Physics, Computer Science, Mathematics, and Foundations’
views on quantum information

Inauguration conference for the Quantum Information Science Center (QISC),
Hebrew university of Jerusalem

Update: The news of our conference have made it to a big-league blog.

Update (July 2013): QStart was a very nice event- there were many interesting talks, and the speakers made the effort to have lectures accessible to the wide audience while discussing the cutting edge and at times technical matters. Playlist of videos of the talks is now available.

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5 Responses to QSTART

  1. From the UK says:

    Looking forward to it. By the way, what a beautifully designed logo for the conference.

  2. Pingback: Two Important Quantum Announcements! | Combinatorics and more

  3. Pingback: Quantum computers: amazing progress (Google & IBM), and extraordinary but probably false supremacy claims (Google). | Combinatorics and more

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